There are a range of opportunities for poets, authors and storytellers on Thursday & Friday evenings.
Book time "On the Stage" Time to show off or share your talents. Throughout the day people are invited onto the stage to take part in specific topics lead by a range of community members. Each session will have its own flavor depending on the facilitator.
Experience the vibrant pulse of the Language Lives Festival by booking your time "On the Stage." This is your opportunity to step into the limelight, connect with the community, and share your passion, insights, and talents with a captivated audience.
Book Time on the Stage at Ebsco Hall
Ebsco Hall - Peatfield Street, Ipswich
Just steps from the Commuter Rail - Newburyport Line - Ipswich
Join us on the Language Lives Festival stage and make a lasting impression. Your contribution enriches the festival's tapestry of voices and experiences, making it an event to remember.
We can't wait to see you shine "On the Stage"!
This Art & Authoring Festival is open to established and emerging writers and artists. Students young and seasoned are encouraged to take part in the event and the event planning.